How Much Does Owning a Goldendoodle Cost? — Comprehensive Breakdown

We’ve created a comprehensive guide to help you find out all you need to know about the cost of owning a Goldendoodle and other factors to consider.

Goldendoodles clearly have many positive attributes – fierce loyalty, heart-melting appearance, and fierce loyalty. However, there’s much to consider when choosing which breed of dog is right for you. And one question that can’t be avoided is “how much does a Goldendoodle cost?”

How Much Does It Cost to Buy a Goldendoodle?

Goldendoodles, a crossbreed between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever, are one of the most in-demand dog breeds in the world. In addition to the positive attributes listed above, they are known to be very gentle and highly intelligent animals. And they are great option for individuals with allergies. This can make them quite expensive relative to other varieties of dogs.

The average cost of owning a Goldendoodle today is dependent on several factors. The cost can vary from the location to the breeder. However, you should budget between $1,500 and $8,000. The different price ranges include:

  • The large standard and F1 straight hair Goldendoodle cost as little as $1,400
  • The mini Goldendoodles cost an average of $3,000 
  • The teacup Goldendoodles can range as high as $3,500
  • The most expensive Goldendoodles go as high as $6,500

They tend to cost this much due to the high demand and low supply. A Goldendoodle can also cost more or less based on its color, size, and breed. 

Smaller-sized Goldendoodles tend to cost more because they are generally considered the toughest to breed. They also tend to have health concerns due to their size.

How Much Does Adopting a Goldendoodle Cost?

Adoption fees for a Goldendoodle are much cheaper than buying one. The average cost of adopting a Goldendoodle can be as low as $400 and as high as $700. However, these costs might not include medication, shots, immunization, and neutering fees. 

The major problem with adoption, however, is also scarcity. Finding quality breeders or pet stores to adopt from might prove to be a chore. You can also check your local Goldendoodle rescue shop or local shelter. You might also be lucky enough to find a Goldendoodle owner willing to part with theirs for different reasons.


Factors to Consider Before Buying a Goldendoodle

Coat Type

One major distinguishable factor of the Goldendoodle is its coat. This is because they are a crossbreed between two different dog breeds. You can tell them apart by how shiny their coats appear. A golden doodle could have a curly, wavy, or straight look.

Goldendoodles with shinier coats tend to be more expensive since they are naturally from a champion bloodline. Others with curly hair typically cost more since they are hypoallergenic and will not shed fur.

Coat Color

Since Goldendoodles typically come from two dog breeds with a wide variety of colors, they also have a variety of coat colors that potentially affect their price. Rarer colors tend to cost more.

Most Goldendoodles are commonly available in gray, black, red, and cream. Some have unique color patterns, which are tougher to achieve, while some have double or triple colors and naturally cost more.

Location and Demand 

The location of the Goldendoodle breeder is one factor that greatly influences the cost of the Goldendoodle. Breeders in big cities tend to charge higher prices than those in smaller cities. 

Because Goldendoodles have been in such high demand in recent years, supply can be an issue, especially if you’re set on a particular size, coat type, and color, leading to higher prices. 


The average price of a Goldendoodle depends on its size. Goldendoodles can be found in three different sizes: 

  • Mini size, including micro, teacup, and toy
  • Medium size
  • Standard size

The mini-size Goldendoodles tend to cost more due to their sizes. They are also rather fragile and tend to deal with the most health issues, hence the high price. 

Health Guarantee

Certain guarantees often accompany a purchase when purchasing a Goldendoodle from a legitimate breeder. This includes a refund or replacement policy in cases of unhealthy dogs. By default, this medical cost is included in the primary cost of the Goldendoodle.

Where Should I Buy a Goldendoodle?

While buying from a reputable breeder will cost you more, you can also rest assured that you are getting a quality and well-bred Goldendoodle. A good breeder raises their dogs while paying extra attention to their health, grooming, and maintenance needs. There are two types of breeders: 

  • Professional breeders 
  • Backyard breeders

Professional Breeders

It is best to consider a professional breeder when searching for a Goldendoodle. They generally have more experience than others when it comes to the business of breeding dogs. They also have extensive knowledge of health, genetics, and bloodline problems that commonly affect a Goldendoodle.

There are also several other reasons, which include:

1. Genetic Testing 

A professional breeder will spend money on genetic testing on the parent dogs to guarantee that they produce good and healthy puppies. They can easily eliminate the transfer of defects or other genetic conditions. They can also use genetic testing to achieve specific traits, such as multicolors or hypoallergenic features.

2. Puppy Care and Maintenance

A professional breeder will invest money in health screening, grooming, and maintenance to raise a perfect puppy. They tend to put in the effort to deworm, medicate, and vaccinate their puppies. They also spend a significant amount on grooming and feeding their dogs, making sure they remain clean and healthy for purchase.

Benefits of Professional Breeder 

  • Don’t shy away from arming you with knowledge and tips on how to properly care for your Goldendoodle
  • Mostly raise their puppies indoors and encourage bonding between the dogs and their mothers
  • Help you understand the challenges of owning a Goldendoodle
  • Give you a licensed health certificate upon purchase of a Goldendoodle
  • Educate you about the puppy’s health 
  • Do not hoard information about their dogs or their health

Backyard Breeders

A backyard breeder can be reputable and popular. However, they differ from a professional breeder in several ways. They are mostly new dog breeders and are commonly driven by profit. There are a few ways to identify a backyard breeder, which include:

  • Lack of concern over whether you are fit to take good care of a Goldendoodle
  • Do not encourage constant or continuous communication
  • Do not belong to any professional or licensed breeders club
  • Require an initial deposit
  • Do not provide you with a licensed health certificate or document about the dog’s health upon purchase

If you intend to purchase or raise a healthy Goldendoodle, it isn’t advisable to purchase a Goldendoodle from a backyard breeder.

What to Avoid When Buying Goldendoodles

Aside from choosing a professional breeder before purchasing a Goldendoodle, there are other elements to avoid before choosing the perfect furry companion. They include: 

  • Dogs that are raised in tiny or filthy facilities because a dirty environment can harm their health
  • Dogs that do not receive frequent medical care or attention
  • Dirty-looking dogs who appear to lack proper grooming and maintenance 
  • Dogs that haven’t spent enough time around humans, as these dogs tend to have a bad temperament
  • Dogs who have not been checked for breeding or genetic anomalies
  • Dogs that looked starved
  • Dogs who were not properly weaned
  • Dogs who were not properly detached from their litter or mother

What Are the Additional Costs of Owning a Goldendoodle?

The initial cost of owning a Goldendoodle can range anywhere from $300-$8,000. However, this cost is for purchasing the dog alone. There are other costs included that do not fall under the cost price. They include:


The average food cost of a Goldendoodle varies depending on its energy level and size. For dogs who can comfortably feed on two cups of dry food throughout the day, you should not spend more than $700 per year. This is based on the calculation that a 30 lb dog feed bag would last for at least two months.

Veterinary Care and Medications 

Annual visits to the vet are unavoidable, as your dog needs to be kept healthy at all times. Keeping them healthy includes getting checked regularly for heartworms, Lyme disease, intestinal worms, and ticks, among others. They also require periodic checkups and vaccinations. You should expect to spend around $2,000 on this annually.

It is not uncommon for your vet to prescribe medication for your pup to prevent fleas or ticks. They can also prescribe other regular drugs or vitamins depending on the health condition of your dog. These drugs can be occasional or regular and can cost as much as $500 annually.

Training Cost

Training your Goldendoodle is extremely important, especially as they become older. Obedience classes improve their interactions with humans a great deal. Training classes also help you keep your dog in check. 

The cost of a trainer would typically depend on your location and dog size. However, you should not spend more than $100 for two months.


A downside to Goldendoodles not shedding as much as other dogs would be the need for constant grooming. On average, a Goldendoodle should be groomed at least every eight weeks by professionals. 

The price of grooming depends on the type and size. A standard Goldendoodle would cost more to groom than its mini counterparts. You should budget at least $500 annually for nail trimming, shampoo, and body care. 

Pet Insurance

As a dog owner, you should consider investing in a pet insurance plan. This typically covers large, unexpected expenses such as accidents or injuries. A monthly plan should cost around $70 at most.

Boarding or Pet Sitters

For situations or occasions where you have to leave your Goldendoodle behind, the right thing to do would be to hire a pet sitter or find an appropriate boarding facility to drop them off. This ensures that your dog receives maximum care and attention in your absence. This can cost around $300 per year. The cost commonly depends on your dog’s size and how frequently you require this service.


Shipping fees should be considered if you purchase your Goldendoodle from a facility not within your area. The shipping fee would be determined by the distance and the care your dog requires within that period. The average cost should be no more than $500 for a long-distance trip.

Dog Walking

This is an unavoidable cost for busy dog owners. It’s important to hire a dog walker for your Goldendoodle if you do not have the time to ensure they get the appropriate amount of exercise they need. It shouldn’t cost more than $25 per walk.

Pet Fee for Rentals

It’s not uncommon to get charged additional rental fees as a dog owner. While it might not be significant in bits, the annual calculation might be quite the cost. You should expect to spend a monthly cost of around $30.

FAQs About Cost of Owning a Goldendoodle

Do Breeders Require a Deposit for a Goldendoodle Puppy?

Yes, they do. You are commonly expected to pay a deposit fee to confirm your reservation for a Goldendoodle from a professional breeder. This gives you the option to choose your preferred Goldendoodle from the litter once they are ready to be sold. 

What Is the Best Place to Buy a Goldendoodle Puppy?

The best place to buy a Goldendoodle pup would be from a professional breeder who is licensed and knowledgeable about raising healthy Goldendoodles. Avoid purchasing from puppy mills or backyard breeders. There isn’t any guarantee on what you will get. 

What Health Issues Do I Need to Worry About With a Goldendoodle?

While not every Goldendoodle will suffer from the following health issues, it is important to understand a few of the common health conditions Goldendoodles can suffer from. They include:

  • Cancer
  • Allergies 
  • Cranial crucial ligament damage
  • Addison’s disease
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Separation anxiety

Some of these issues, such as allergies, can be mild or life-threatening, like Addison’s disease. It’s advisable to get pet insurance for your dog to cover some of the costs in case of any unwanted or unexpected developments.

How Often Should I Groom My Goldendoodle Professionally, and How Much Will It Cost?

A Goldendoodle should be professionally groomed no less than four times a year. Most Goldendoodle owners tend to spread out their grooming visits because of the cost. It is also advisable to seek a professional since most dog owners cannot do this themselves.


As you can see, there are many things to consider when getting a pet aside from the initial Goldendoodle cost. They are a special breed of dog that requires constant grooming, regular vet checkups, and high maintenance. They aren’t advised for intending dog owners who are on a budget.

As a Goldendoodle owner, you should expect to spend a significant amount of money on their monthly well-being. You should also set apart time for playing and training. 

Learn more about Goldendoodles.