How Often Should You Bathe a Goldendoodle?

You shouldn’t wash a Goldendoodle’s coat more than once a month. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

If you’d like to know more about bathing your Goldendoodle’s coat, read on as we take you through everything you need to keep your Goldendoodle clean and happy.

How Often Should a Goldendoodle’s Coat Be Washed?

As a general rule of thumb, a Goldendoodle should not be bathed more than once every one to two months. This applies to Goldendoodles of all ages, whether you have a Goldendoodle puppy or a senior pup.

Unless your Goldendoodle gets exceptionally dirty or smelly, you should avoiding bathing it more than once a week. Bathing them too frequently increases the risk of your dog’s skin becoming overly sensitive.

Symptoms of Sensitive Skin in Goldendoodles

  • Dry skin
  • Itchy skin that causes excessive itching
  • Skin lesions
  • Sores
  • Hot spots

Depending on the state of your Goldendoodle’s sensitive skin, you might have to take them to a vet for a checkup.

Washing your Goldendoodle’s skin too often can result in their natural oils getting stripped from their skin and hair. These natural oils have protective qualities and can affect the health of a dog’s fur.

While Goldendoodle owners might think that washing their pets frequently will contribute to a shiny and healthy coat, it can actually result in the opposite – a coat that looks lifeless. If you wash your dog’s hair too often, it will be brittle and easier to damage.

Goldendoodles (like the golden retriever) have a coat that is designed to be waterproof. Exposing their coat to water too frequently can affect the efficacy of this water-resistant capacity. If you have a pup who loves the water, this can be a serious problem!

Bathing Muddy Goldendoodles

The rule of thumb of baths every 1-2 months only applies if your pup is relatively clean. If your Goldendoodle has decided to play in a mud hole just days after their last bath, giving them another wash is preferable to leaving them dirty.

The dirt in their fur will mat, turn uncomfortable, and start to smell after some time, and the dirt on a dog’s coat provides bacteria with the perfect environment to grow. Leaving your pet dirty puts them at added risk of skin and ear infections.

Depending on the amount of dirt and mud on your dog’s body, you might get away without needing to wash them with dog shampoo. If there isn’t too much mud, you can simply wash them down with water, towel-dry them, and then brush them to ensure you’ve gotten all the mud.

For a more thorough effort, you can wait until the mud dries, brush them, and then wash them down with water, finishing by drying and brushing them once again.

However, if your dog is especially dirty, you might have no choice but to shampoo them. This is a decision you will have to make, depending on the state of your dog’s skin and coat.

How To Bathe a Goldendoodle

If you’re a new pet owner, you might wonder how to give your Goldendoodle a bath. Here are the steps you should follow:

Brushing and Clipping

Before introducing your pup to the water, brush its coat properly. Brushing will remove tangles and mats in their fur, which can bother them while in the bath, and will also get rid of some of the debris without the help of water.

If you encounter particularly stubborn mats and knots, cut them out of your Goldendoodle’s hair with a set of dog clippers.

Shampooing and Rinsing

Once you’ve brushed and clipped your pup, you can introduce them to the water. Depending on your dog’s temperament, bath time can be challenging, so it’s best to prepare everything before you put them in water.

You’ll need the following:

  • Shampoo that is specifically designed for dogs and is free of harsh chemicals and fragrances, such as this shampoo from Budy Wash. You might also want to look for a shampoo that is gentle, moisturizing, and hypoallergenic to suit your Goldendoodle’s sensitive skin and coat.
  • Towels to dry them off
  • A shampoo brush to ensure they’re rinsed thoroughly
  • Cotton balls to plug your dog’s ears to prevent water from getting into the ear canal

Depending on your dog’s size, you can either bathe them in a washbasin or a bathtub.

Once you have everything ready, wet and shampoo your dog. Make sure to use lukewarm water. Dogs are more sensitive to hot water than humans and prefer warm water.

Use the shampoo brush to massage the shampoo into their coat and create a lather, and be careful with your Goldendoodle’s face.

You need to avoid getting soap or shampoo into your dog’s eyes. You’ll need to be very careful when rinsing their face. To reduce the risk of slipping up, consider using a toothbrush to scrub the dog’s face instead of the shampoo brush. You can also use a washcloth or a sponge for this.

Once you’ve fully shampooed your Goldendoodle, rinse the shampoo thoroughly, ensuring none of the suds are in your pup’s eyes. Rinse as many times as needed to ensure that all the shampoo is out of their coat.

Goldendoodle in bath - thezoomiedood
Red Goldendoodle getting ready for bath; @thezoomiedood


Using a Towel

After your Goldendoodle is shampooed and rinsed, the next step is to dry them thoroughly.

To dry your pup after you have bathed them, use a dry towel and wipe them down fully. Then, let your pup shake themselves dry to get rid of as much water as possible.

Using a Blow Dryer

You may also use a blow dryer on the lowest setting to help dry your doodle’s coat completely. Be sure to keep the dryer nozzle several inches away from your dog’s fur and in constant motion to prevent heat from concentrating on any one spot and burning your dog.
* Tip: Prior to bathing, slowly introduce your Goldendoodle to the sound and sensation of air blowing on him from the blow dryer. Use treats and praise along the way.

When drying your Goldendoodle, ensure its ears and ear canals are completely dry. If any water builds up in their ears, it can cause ear infections.

Should I Brush My Goldendoodle After a Bath?

Ideally, you should brush your Goldendoodle after you have bathed them. However, you should ensure that their coat is completely dry first.

Once their fur is completely dry, you can brush them to make them look smooth and silky. After you’ve finished brushing, you can complete the day by giving your pup a treat for being good and cooperative during the bath or cuddling with them to enjoy their silky smooth and soft coat.

Why Giving Your Dog’s Coat a Wash Is Essential

While you shouldn’t wash your Goldendoodle’s coat more than once a month unless absolutely necessary, you should ensure that you bathe them enough.

If you don’t bathe a Goldendoodle enough, you risk dirt and debris building up on their skin, making them smelly and unpleasant to be around.

Dogs can absorb allergens through their skin, which can cause itchy skin. If you let your pup scratch at their skin long enough, it can lead to skin damage, including skin lesions.

So, just as you shouldn’t bathe a Goldendoodle too often if you want to keep them healthy, you should also ensure you bathe them often enough.


Bathing a Goldendoodle should be done about once a month unless your dog is exceptionally muddy and dirty. Bathing them more often can lead to dry, lifeless-looking skin.

However, bathing them less often than once every two months can cause a dirty coat and skin damage.

When bathing your Goldendoodle, ensure no shampoo goes in their eyes or ear canals, as this can result in infections.

Taking the time to be with your dog and bathe them properly will lead to a stronger bond and a healthier pet.

Related Topic: My Dog Hates Water. How Do I Bathe It?

Choose a calm time of day when your Goldendoodle is tired and relaxed. Avoid bathing your dog when it is excited or energetic.

Make sure to use warm water (not hot) and a gentle shampoo that will not irritate your dog’s skin or eyes.

Fill the tub with a few inches of water before bringing your doodle in, so it does not get scared by the sound of running water.

Place a rubber mat or a towel on the bottom of the tub to prevent your dog from slipping and sliding. This will help your dog feel more secure and comfortable in the tub.

Give your dog treats, praise, and toys to distract it and create a positive association with bath time. You can also use peanut butter or cheese spread on the wall of the tub to keep your dog busy and happy.

Avoid getting water on your dog’s face, ears, and eyes, as this can cause discomfort and panic. Use a wet cloth or a spray bottle to gently clean these areas instead.

Turn off the water when you are not using it and rinse your dog thoroughly using a cup or a pitcher. Make sure to remove all the shampoo from your dog’s coat, as any residue can cause itching and irritation.

Towel dry your Goldendoodle and use a blow dryer as instructed above (unless this causes additional anxiety in your pup). Brush your dog’s coat again to remove any tangles or mats. Reward your dog with more treats and praise for being a good boy or girl.