Mini Goldendoodle vs. Goldendoodle: Let’s Compare

It is almost impossible not to love dogs. They are fun animals with many likable traits. The majority of the population keeps dogs as pets, and they have brought joy to a lot of homes and families.

There are several breeds of dogs, and you can tell some apart by their distinct appearances. In some cases, different breeds are crossed to produce hybrids with different appearances.  The Goldendoodle is an example of a hybrid born from two other common breeds. 

The Goldendoodle is the offspring of a genetic cross between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever. The pup takes the trait of both parents, but one trait is usually more dominant than the other. Size is one of those traits that can vary based on the gene, and we want to look at the mini Goldendoodle vs Goldendoodle.

What Is a Goldendoodle 

Before we dive into comparing mini and standard Goldendoodles, we want to go over what a Goldendoodle is. We’ll also look at each dog in the comparison, their traits, pros and cons, and their differences. 

Now let’s talk about the general idea of a Goldendoodle. Like we said in the intro, a Goldendoodle is a crossbreed between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. The experiment to cross the retriever and the poodle was first conducted in the 1990s, and a new designer dog was born. 

The Golden Retriever happens to be one of the smartest dogs around, a trait common to all dogs of this breed. However, the Golden Retriever has a straight coat, and it often causes allergic reactions in people due to the dander from shedding. 

As a plan to reduce the allergic reactions that the Golden Retriever triggered, the idea of a crossbreed was born. The Poodle was known to cause little or no cases of allergic reactions, and they are classified as hypoallergenic. So scientists decided to cross both breeds to obtain the perfect dog with high intelligence and allergy-friendly traits.

The result of this crossbreeding is the Goldendoodle. The Goldendoodle is born from the cross of a purebred Golden Retriever and the poodle, and it is referred to as the F1 generation or the first filial generation. The F1 Goldendoodle comprises 50% poodle and 50% Goldendoodle – it carries half each parent’s genes. 

The Goldendoodle is in high demand because it has the intelligence of the Golden Retriever and the wavy hypoallergenic coat of the Golden Retriever. 

Now that we’ve cleared up what a Goldendoodle is, we want to mention that not all F1 doodles look alike. There are variations in size and coat color among Goldendoodles, and these variations depend on the traits of the parents involved in the cross. 

The mini Goldendoodle vs Goldendoodle both have the same breed of parents, but there are variations among the parents. The variations in the parents are the main reason for their differences. Let’s break them down. 

The Standard Goldendoodle 

The standard Goldendoodle is what we call the Goldendoodle, and they are a normal-sized breed. The standard doodle owes its size to the parent, and it is the offspring of the cross between a Golden Retriever and a standard Poodle.

A standard Poodle refers to the Poodles that are normal or average sized dogs. The result of crossing standard Poodles with a Golden Retriever is a standard-sized hybrid with enough energy and love to give. 

Standard Goldendoodle: Size 

The standard Goldendoodle is similar in size to the Golden Retriever, and it weighs between 50 to 80 pounds. Since both parents have regular-sized genes, breeders expect the first generation offspring produced to take after the parents’ size. 

If there were a gene for the small size, there would have been a chance that at least one of the offspring would be small.


Standard Goldendoodle: Characteristics 

Apart from the size of the standard Goldendoodle, what other features do they possess? 


A standard Goldendoodle can be energetic when it needs to be. The strength and stamina of the Poodle are obvious in the Goldendoodle, and it can run for miles and even keep up with you on your daily jogs, walks, or hiking. 

However, these standard-size guys also love their rest. This is where we see the traits of the Retriever. After a certain amount of running and expending energy, the standard doodle takes its time to rest and keeps an eye on you. If you stand up, the dog will get up, and it’s ready for another round of exercise. But it will prefer to just lay down and watch you. 

Many trainers use standard Golden Retrievers for dog competitions because of their stamina, and they are also good choices for service dogs because of their patience and laid-back trait. 


Don’t be fooled by their calm and laid-back deposition. If your standard Goldendoodle feels like you’re in danger, you’ll be surprised at how fast they can switch to their protective and defensive mode (this comes from the Golden Retriever). 

Standard doodles are larger, and their barks are more threatening. These dogs can easily appear ferocious and will be if needed.

Advantages of Standard Goldendoodles 


If you’re into fitness training and exercises, the standard Goldendoodle is a great exercise companion. You don’t have to worry about your dog running wild, getting lost or tired during your jogs or walks. 

The doodle has enough stamina, and there is a good chance you will get tired before it does. You can rest assured that you have a competent exercise partner that is always watching over you. 

Fun for the Kids 

If you have kids, a standard Goldendoodle is a great choice. They won’t only protect you. They are also protective of things you care about. They can read how you react. 

You can be certain that your standard doodle will protect your kids as much as they protect you. Also, kids have a lot of energy and love to play – while you might not have the time to indulge them, you can trust your doodle to step up and keep you with your kid’s energy. 

These dogs are also not so playful that you have to worry about them hurting your kids by mistake. Remember that the standard Goldendoodle is calm, and they won’t be overly playful with the kids.

Less Stress 

Unlike the mini Goldendoodle that requires constant engagement, the standard Goldendoodle is content with just lying down and watching you work or do whatever you’re doing. You don’t have to stress yourself over games and ways to keep your over energetic dog occupied.

If you’re a busy person, the standard Goldendoodle is a great choice for your lifestyle, and it doesn’t need much time from your schedule. 

Service Dogs or Emotional Support Dogs 

Standard Goldendoodles are commonly used as service dogs and emotional support dogs. These breeds are good as service dogs and for emotional support because of two reasons. 

The first reason is they’re easy to train. Standard Goldendoodles are very intelligent and observant, and it is easy to teach them how to be of service. The dog is patient, and you can easily train them to do the things you want them to do. 

The second reason is they’re calm and can be considered great listeners. Emotional support dogs should be able to make you feel calm. They should be able to sit in place for a long time. The last thing you need is an emotional support dog that keeps running circles around the room when you need to vent out some of your frustration. 

Disadvantages of Standard Goldendoodles 

Required Space 

If you’re going to own a standard Goldendoodle, you will need a plenty of living space. If you live in a small apartment or building, it can be frustrating to keep a standard-sized doodle. One day, you might come home and meet your favorite flower vase broken or your apartment a mess. 

These dogs require a reasonable amount of space to roam. 

Required Training 

A well-trained standard Goldendoodle can be the best roommate. However, it can be a nightmare if you don’t train your doodle. It is not odd for untrained doodles to create a mess in your house – they chew on furniture, raid counters, and do many other frustrating things.  

The Mini Goldendoodle

Now that we’ve looked at the standard Goldendoodle let’s learn about this smaller version. 

The standard Goldendoodle is the cross between the Golden Retriever and the Standard poodle. The same logic applies to the mini doodle, and the defining trait is inherited from the parents. 

The mini Goldendoodle crosses the Golden Retriever and the tiny or miniature Poodle. The result of this cross is a Goldenpoodle that takes after the size of the smaller poodle. The dog also takes the wavy or curly coat type of the poodle, and it has hypoallergenic traits. 


Mini Goldendoodle: Size 

The mini Goldendoodle takes the parent doodle’s size, which is possible because of the mini size gene present in the cross. Although, directly crossing a purebred Golden Retriever and miniature Poodle still leaves a possibility of the Golden Retriever gene to manifest. 

One sure way to get a mini Goldendoodle is by a backcross of the F1 generation with a purebred miniature Poodle. Doing this backcross increases the Poodle trait of the offspring by 75%, and the Golden Retriever trait drops to 25%. 

A mini Goldendoodle weighs less than 30 pounds, and these little guys can fit nicely in your bag.

Mini Goldendoodle: Characteristics

Let’s see some of the traits that are exhibited by mini Goldendoodles:


One clear feature of a mini Goldendoodle is its playfulness. Generally, smaller dogs tend to be more playful and mobile than their larger counterparts. The mini Goldendoodle is a great choice if you have kids. Their small size and playful nature make them perfect. 

You don’t have to worry about your dog knocking down your kids or injuring your kids, and you should probably be more worried about the kids injuring the dog. 


It is hard to say if there is a difference in the intelligence of the mini Goldendoodle and the standard Goldendoodle. However, we know that the mini Goldendoodle is very smart and witty, and sometimes they make you wonder if they’re human or not. 

Advantages of Mini Goldendoodles 


We feel this is a trait that is common to every dog, and it has more to do with love than genes. The mini Goldendoodles have an extreme sense of attachment. Once they recognize you as their owner or family, you can be certain that the dog will follow you everywhere you go.

Easy Companions 

The size of the mini Goldendoodle makes it easy for you to carry them around. You no longer have to worry about taking your pet with you while traveling by car, train, boat, etc. You can easily fit your dog in your bag and have them around you all day. 


Mini Goldendoodles are three times smaller than the standard Goldendoodles, and the amount of food they consume is similar to that proportion. You don’t have to spend as much on food as you will with larger dogs. 

Although mini Goldendoodles can be picky eaters, the amount of food they eat daily is very little. You can use the meal required to feed a standard Goldendoodle in a day to feed two mini Goldendoodles. 

Easy to Manage

The small size of the mini Goldendoodle makes it easy to manage, and you don’t have to stress much. 

Compared to the larger doodles, you can easily attach the mini doodle to a leash and take them on walks without much resistance. Giving your mini doodle baths is also much easier. They might struggle and try to get out of the water, but they won’t put up too much of a fight.

Getting your standard Goldendoodle in the bath will pose a mush bigger challenge because they are significantly larger and could jump out of the tub. 

Compatible with Kids 

If you have kids, the mini Goldendoodle is a great choice, and it’s almost like they were made for kids. Their tiny size is already a big advantage, and their teddy bear appearance just tops it off.

Mini Goldendoodles also have witty and energetic traits making them a great choice for kids. Kids are also full of energy, and it takes a lot to keep up with them. Fortunately, the mini Goldendoodle is also a little ball of energy.

The mini Goldendoodle loves games, and it is one of the wittiest dogs around. 

Cost of Maintenance

Getting a mini Goldendoodle is not cheap. However, taking care of them is not as costly. The amount you will need to spend on food, veterinary services, and other maintenance is less than that for the standard Goldendoodle. 

It will save you a reasonable amount of money in the long run if you go for this small breed. 

Disadvantages of the Mini Goldendoodle  

Sensitive Temperament 

Mini Goldendoodles are friendly and playful but also sensitive. If the mini doodle is stunned or frightened, it tends to snap out quickly. 

Their sensitive temperament can be dangerous, especially around kids. Kids are often unpredictable and can make sudden moves that trigger their temper. It is not advised to leave little kids unattended with this little guy.

Poor Stamina

Mini Goldendoodles are the worst exercise companions because of their poor stamina. For dogs with their amount of energy, the mini Goldendoodles get tired very quickly. They are more parlor dogs and are not fit for rigorous exercises. 

The Mini Goldendoodle vs Goldendoodle 

Now that we’ve discussed both standard and mini Goldendoodles, let’s compare some of their traits. 


The mini Goldendoodle has an average lifespan of about 12 to 15 years, while the standard Goldendoodle tends to live 10 to 13 years. There is a roughly two-year difference in the life expectancy of the two dogs – smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger dogs. It might not seem like much, but it matters.


A mini Goldendoodle puppy costs more than a standard Goldendoodle. It will cost you about $1,000 more to get a mini Goldendoodle. 


Standard Goldendoodles are larger, and they require more food and treatment than mini Goldendoodles. In the long run, it will cost you more to take care of a standard Goldendoodle than a mini Goldendoodle. 

Bottom Line

The Goldendoodle and the mini Goldendoodle are great hybrids with their unique properties. 

We’ve looked at the mini Goldendoodle vs Goldendoodle, and we can say that each has its advantage. If you’re looking for a suitable doodle, you can go through the qualities we’ve listed and pick one that suits your lifestyle.