What Does F1B Goldendoodle Mean, and What Are the Other Types of Goldendoodles?

If you’ve begun the research on adopting or buying a Goldendoodle, you’re likely wondering: what does the term “F1B Goldendoodle” mean? In short, an F1B Goldendoodle results when the first generation (“f1“) offspring of a Poodle and a Golden Retriever is then mated “back” with a purebred Poodle. F1B Goldendoodles will contain a greater mix of Poodle (don’t shed) than Golden Retriever (heavy shedders), and will therefore tend to be more hypoallergenic than a Goldendoodle that hasn’t been back-crossed with a Poodle.

Goldendoodles are designer dogs with a friendly and playful nature. They are excellent family dogs who socialize and interact with humans easily. So, if you want a cute family pet, a beautiful Goldendoodle is an amazing choice!  

That’s why we dedicated this post to explaining the Goldendoodle generations. We will specifically focus on fully answering the question: what does F1B Goldendoodle mean? We will also discuss other types of this amazing crossbreed. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Goldendoodle Generations 

The Goldendoodle is one of the most popular designer breeds in the U.S. It is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Since both purebred parent breeds are brilliant pet dogs, people adore the loveable personality of Goldendoodles. 

That said, not all Goldendoodles are the same. These crossbreed dogs have multiple variations with different genetic makeups. We can also call them Goldendoodle generations. 

A generation is typically denoted by the letter F and a number. The F stands for filial, whereas the number represents the generation number. For example, F1 means the first generation of Goldendoodles. 

Sometimes, the generational code will also contain one or two Bs. For example, F1B or F2BB. In both cases, the letter B tells us that backcrossing with the purebred has occurred. Now that you know the code, let’s explore the different generations of doodles!

F1 Goldendoodles 

F1 Goldendoodles belong to the very first filial generation produced by cross-breeding a Golden Retriever with and Poodle. An F1 Goldendoodle has 50% of the genetics of each dog. However, the gender of parent dogs used is not certain.

Typically, reputable breeders cross a female Golden Retriever with a male Poodle for this generation. But, it can be vice versa too. The genders of the parent dogs have no effect on the offspring’s personality and appearance. 

An F1 doodle tends to show more of the Golden Retriever physical characteristics. It has a loose and wavy coat type that can shed quite often. These aren’t great dogs for people with allergies.

F1 Goldendoodles benefit the most from hybrid vigor. This means they are the healthiest generation because both purebred parent dogs are different. There is no inbreeding, and so no genetic defects are present in F1 doodles.


F1B Goldendoodles

With a “B” added to the code, F1B Goldendoodles are a result of backcrossing. These dogs have one F1 Goldendoodle parent and one purebred Poodle parent. So, the offspring has 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever genetic makeup. 

F1B Doodles have curlier hair with little to no shedding. Their coat is hypoallergenic, which makes them suitable for allergy sufferers. Nonetheless, the dog may cause mild allergies.

Also, being backcrossed dogs, the hybrid vigor drops. These doodles are generally healthy but may contract diseases common in poodles. 

Sometimes, breeders use purebred Golden Retriever parents instead of a Poodle. This particular combination reverses the genes. The F1B doodle has 75% Golden Retriever and 25% Poodle. 

These doodles have a more hypoallergenic, less-shedding coat, which is why most experienced breeders prefer F1 Goldendoodle and standard Poodle crossing to produce F1B doodles. 

F1BB Goldendoodles

The F1BB generation is the result of breeding an F1B Goldendoodle with one purebred parent dog. Since this is the second time backcrossing, the genetic diversity increases. Generally, we have the following combinations:

F1B Goldendoodle (75% Poodle) and Poodle = F1BB puppies (87.5% Poodle and 12.5% Golden Retriever)

F1B Goldendoodle (75% Golden Retriever) and Golden Retriever = F1BB puppies (87.5% Golden Retriever and 12.5% Poodle) 

Most breeders go for the first combination (87.5% Poodle and 12.5% Golden Retriever) because it produces a huge amount of Poodle genetics. This makes the F1BB puppies have the best hypoallergenic qualities. And their extremely curly coat won’t shed hair easily. 

As a result, people with allergies and severe health conditions find them to be ideal pets. However, the hybrid vigor is the least. Plus, curlier hair demands regular grooming to prevent matting. 

F2 Goldendoodles

F2 Goldendoodles are the second filial generation. They are a cross between two F1 Goldendoodles. Each F1 Doodle has 50% of its genes from a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. This generation’s offspring is somewhat the same as the first one. 

However, the results are highly unpredictable. An F2 doodle may have a loose, straight, or wavy coat. It may or may not be hypoallergenic. 

Thus, people do not prefer breeding these Doodles. Some consider it unethical. At times, breeders even insist you get the Doodle spayed or neutered if you aren’t a registered breeder. 

F2B Goldendoodles

Unlike the F1B, the second backcrossed generation involves an F1 Goldendoodle and an F1B Goldendoodle. A lot of variations are possible. But, the most preferred set of genetics is:

Parent 1: F1 Goldendoodle (50% Poodle and 50% Golden Retriever)

Parent 2: F1B Goldendoodle (75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever)

This particular combination results in a puppy with more Poodle genetics. It is 62.5% Poodle and 37.5% Golden Retriever. The coat type is curly and wavy. 

The fur is hypoallergenic, though there might be a few exceptions. Also, the hybrid vigor is present but in a lesser amount than the F1B generation. 

F2BB Goldendoodles

The F2BB is a cross between an F2B doodle and one purebred parent. It can be either a Poodle or Golden Retriever. Most responsible breeders prefer a 100% Poodle to create this gene combo: 81.25% Poodle and 18.75% Golden Retriever.

This amount of Poodle genetics is the second largest after F1BB. It means that these Doodles will be similar to the previous ones. You will find nice, curlier hair that does not shed.

However, the grooming requirements are high. The dog owner must brush the coat regularly to prevent tangling and matting. 

F3 (or “Multigen“) Goldendoodles 

Usually, people refer to the F3 generation as multi-gen, multi-generation Goldendoodles, or greater Goldendoodles. All these names signify that F3 Doodles are the furthest away from the original F1 gen. F3 doodles are a result of:

F1B with F1B 

F2 with F2

In both cases, the Poodle genetics are larger than Golden Retrievers. Thus, the fur coat is heavy, wavy, and curly. It makes F3 Goldendoodles the most allergy-friendly generation. But, the hybrid vigor is the lowest of all.

Good to Know: Important Terminologies

Hybrid Vigor:

Hybrid vigor is an important phrase to know. It is applicable to crossbreed dogs who display qualities that are superior to the parent breeds. The hybrid vigor decreases as the generation number increases. 

Multi-Generation Goldendoodles:

Any Goldendoodle that belongs to the 2+ generation is multi-generation or multi-gen. These include F1BB, F2B, and F2BB. However, most people refer to F3 as the multi-generation doodle. 

You may even find dog breeders listing 2+ generation Goldendoodles as multi-generational. It helps avoid the complexity of generational code for people. So, if you want to adopt, make sure to inquire about the code! 

So, What Exactly Does F1B Goldendoodle Mean? 

We have already discussed the Goldendoodle generations in detail above. By now, you must have a good idea of the actual meaning of F1B Doodles. Here’s a recap:

An F1B Goldendoodle is the first backcrossed generation. It is a cross between an F1 Doodle and one purebred parent. The Poodle is typically preferred to produce a hypoallergenic dog.  

When compared to F1, F1B Goldendoodles do not have great hybrid vigor. However, they have a dense and curly coat that sheds minimally. This particular characteristic makes F1B Doodles excellent companions for people with allergies. 

F1B Goldendoodle Profile 

F1B Goldendoodles have some percentage of both Golden Retrievers and Poodles in their genetics. So, to understand their profile, we need to study each parent dog thoroughly.

Coat Types and Colors

Golden Retrievers have a loose, wavy coat that is different shades of golden. You will find that their coat ranges from beautiful light golden or dark, honey-like golden. In any case, the dog sheds a lot of hair! 

Comparatively, Poodles are the complete opposite. They have a tight, dense, and curly coat. Sometimes, their fur becomes knotted and matted. 

This is why you need to brush and groom them regularly. That said, a Poodle sheds minimally. The short coat doesn’t leave your clothes and furniture wrapped in fur blankets. 

So, with both crossed, you can expect a range of coat types in F1B Goldendoodles. Typically, Poodle genes are stronger and result in a curly, non-shedding coat. However, if your Doodle has more Golden Retriever genes, the shedding might be an issue. 

As for coat colors, the variety extends further. Poodles come in different colors, unlike Golden Retrievers. These include black, white, gray, golden, and brown.

F1B Goldendoodles come in the following common coat colors: apricot, black, chocolate brown, cream white, and merle. 


The F1B Goldendoodle’s personality is surprisingly warm and welcoming. It is the perfect blend of Golden Retriever and Poodle traits. You will find Doodles to be intelligent and friendly.

They love to socialize and interact with humans. This is why Goldendoodles are a great choice for families. This is especially true for households with children and other pets.

F1B Goldendoodles also prove to be smart and devoted dogs. They listen and follow instructions carefully. You will find that they learn tricks and tips quickly. 

Plus, Goldendoodles possess high levels of energy. They require daily activity and mental stimulation to stay healthy. While you can install dog games at home, it’s best to take them out for better exercise. 

Moreover, their intelligence and quick-learning abilities make F1B Goldendoodles excellent therapy dogs. They can serve at hospitals, living facilities, and even disaster sites easily. This is why a lot of seniors prefer keeping Goldendoodles as pets.

All that said, these dogs do not like staying alone. They can develop severe mental issues like anxiety and depression. Being alone for long periods of time can also lead to destructive behavior problems, such as excessive barking and digging.


Frequently Asked Questions 

How Big Will My F1B Goldendoodle Get?

Adult F1B Goldendoodles have an average weight of 15 to 25lbs. This is because the large pool of Poodle genes results in a smaller height. They tend to weigh less than larger doodles. 

How Long Do F1B Goldendoodles Live?

It is a commonly known fact that small dogs tend to live longer than big ones. Since F1B doodles are typically mini, they have a long lifespan of 10 to 16 years. Some may even live up to 17 years!

Which Is Better: an F1 or F1B Goldendoodle? 

Both Goldendoodles have their specific pros and cons. An F1 doodle has a better hybrid vigor, which means improved health. Meanwhile, an F1B doodle has a more hypoallergenic coat. 

So, if you value the healthiness of your dog more, F1 doodles are better. However, people with allergies and respiratory issues may find F1B doodles to be better suited for them. 

What Should I Breed My F1B Goldendoodle With?

You should breed an F1B Goldendoodle with a purebred Standard Poodle. This is what the majority of pet owners do to ensure a better-quality coat. The large Poodle genes result in a healthy hypoallergenic dog. 

Please note that if you’re not a registered breeder, do not experiment with different generation codes. Always consult a vet or professional breeder before doing anything.

Are F1B Goldendoodles More Expensive?

Yes, F1B Goldendoodles are more expensive than F1 doodles. It is because they possess the desired hypoallergenic and non-shedding fur. They also belong to the first backcrossed generation, which leaves little to no room for unpredictability. 


All in all, Goldendoodles are wonderful crossbreed dogs for families. Their Poodle-like looks and Golden Retriever personality make them extremely loveable. The difference between generations generally doesn’t matter too much.  However, if you suffer from allergies or are a professional breeder, the generation codes can make a significant difference. That’s why we answered the question: what does F1B Goldendoodle mean? Getting the correct generation Goldendoodle for your needs can make all the difference.